Friday, April 30, 2010

Bubble Wrap & Apps

Started the day with the Membership Committee breakfast. It was great to have all three of the Vice Presidents (Kathy Slack, Ann O'Keefe & Jessica Gaynor) and President Pat St. Peter in attendance for our breakfast. Pat talked about the budget and how now, unlike the years when we had the ABC $$$ contract, membership dollars contribute to one-half of the USFS income. Membership retention and attraction is so much more important to the future of USFS as ever before.

Next up was the Midwest caucus with VP Kathy Slack leading the meeting. We recognized our long time judges, referees and clubs. The highlight was a new award for retiring/retired Olympic Judges - Midwest caucus honored Nancy Meiss.

It was fun to have Kathy to start the meeting introducing the all the Midwest individuals who serve in a leadership role within USFS - it seemed to go on forever as we so many people serving our organization.

Pat St. Peter came in the meeting, speaking to us as our USFS president. As she said, she was coming home. Pat is sporting a lovely cast on her left hand - she missed about seven steps while at the World Synchro Comp in Colorado Springs earlier this month.  I remember that she broke her leg just before the 2008 Nationals, so I'm thinking we're going to need to wrap her in bubble wrap. (and keep those bubble wrap poppers away from her!)

There's an app for that! David Raith announced to our caucus that USFS will be looking into the creation of mobile applications for skating - say a rule book or live scoring?  All iPhone geeks (such as myself) say thanks. And I'm sure it won't just be apps for iPhone, but also for Android and Blackberry.

More later...


Laura Fawcett said...

Don't hold your breath on mobile apps. Can't even get one for icenetwork ...

Unknown said...

Yeah, but a rules book app is easy enough since I already have several manuals as apps. Live scoring? that will be the nightmare.

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